Experiential Healing
February 21-24
Cost is $295 USD
Early Bird: $285
Some educational discounts are available.
Contact Lynn at admin@markearlix.com or
Call Mark at 888-380-6388
Going beyond the mindset of wanting to heal yourself and others ... physically and emotionally.
How would your life change if you could learn how to shift your mindset, stay calm and be a healing presence for yourself, your family and others?
This is your opportunity to learn more of your life's story. It’s a matter of taking a look at your habits and taking a different approach. It is imperative at this time that you focus on learning what's important to you, that you develop your gift … because you ARE the gift!
Classes run daily for 90 minutes each day at 12 noon MST via Zoom. You will receive an email confirmation from PayPal as well as an email from Admin@MarkEarlix.com with the Zoom details.
Video replays for each of the four days will be available privately for participants only.
Prerequisite: No personal experience or experience with any other modalities needed, simply a calling and a desire to help others feel better in body and emotion.
“An interesting and informative workshop by an experienced and caring spiritual healer. Mark can explain clearly how to see disease in the physical body from an objective observant perspective so that healing can take place, asking God to take charge once directed to do so..”
~ Keely, UK
The Workshop:
Healing is part of your soul’s past. It is the remembering, and everyone has it within them from other times and places that they’ve learned to develop to varying degrees;, some have it more predominant this time. Mark teaches you how to tap into that memory and develop your abilities even greater.
The first class is dialog and understanding Spiritual Healing, helping people understand that we are tapping into the intuitive and perceiving inside what we are doing. We will gently be opening the sight and learning to utilize the imagination. Practice exercises will be assigned for homework to develop Intuition and Spiritual Healing.
In the second class, we will be working with the energies that you’re intuiting. Spiritual exercises will be assigned to develop that practice.
In the third class, we will continue working with and manipulating the energies that you’re intuiting, followed by spiritual exercises for homework.
In the fourth class, we will be working with the timelines to perceive the age(s) of incidents, whether it be physical or emotional.
Each class allows time for questions.
What are you walking away with?
Spiritual healing exercises to help develop your abilities for healing in working with yourself and others, so you can change the destructive into constructive energies
Develop empowering thoughts during this time, so you find calm and balance amidst the chaos
Understand and develop the ability to focus
Time with a Master Spiritual Healer (with over 45 years of experience) who can help you develop your own spiritual healing applications.
Join in a community with others of like-purpose and mind who are striving to learn more about themselves.
Who is this NOT for?
Anyone who wants to live in a space of negativity
Anyone who is not open to spiritual healing
Anyone who thinks the world is coming to an end
"I could listen to Mark all day long. His approach to his life's work is relaxed, fun, and very deeply informative. Very blessed to have taken this introductory workshop on healing. I have been able to add more pieces to the jigsaw puzzle which I call my life. In today's world, it is so easy to be pulled in many directions. It is most important to value self along the journey. Thank you Mark for a great experience."
~ Kathleen, CO
"I have always been envious of people who have a very structured faith program. Rituals seem to offer comfort and group membership, the support of being an insider. I felt God and Christianity choose me; but, beyond the Irish, Dutch and English descent, I never knew why. Until I met Mark, God was “out there.”
I am a seeker and have had some wonderful life experiences . Mark’s classes gave me reality guidance. During the first apprentice training, our little group was able to study together. We wrote down the table and standing protocols in detail. I will never forget when Mark saw our work; he said, “Remember, this is just a beginning.”
I am on board now that Spiritual Healing is Life and Living...learning, changing and growing. Mark’s skills, teachings, and God’s grace are directly related to my good health. Universal laws, contemplation, wondering, asking the body for input, scanning, using our creative imaginations, intensions, trust and objective observations, added with heart and love, allows our Spiritual hands to co-create to help in healing ourselves and others. I know this!
Mark has a gift for meeting each student as special and able to learn. He reminds us that we are a part of the massive Godliness. We do have THE HEALER WITHIN. "
~ Susan, AZ
"Mark demonstrates that any man/woman has the potential to be an instrument for Infinite Intelligence to work through him a success, health, happiness, abundance, and perfect self expression, unless fear and anxiety make a short circuit.."
~ Yvonne, AZ
Who's Mark?
Mark Earlix is an internationally known Healer-Intuitive, teacher, author and Gnostic priest. Mark is a recognized voice and authority in the spiritual community. He is passionate about teaching and helping others in becoming aware of themselves and their abilities through his Healing Circles, many Workshops and Apprentice Trainings around the country.
Mark is accredited for his working with and teaching many thousands of people globally, for his books and Audio CD set, ‘Awaken the Healer Within” produced by Nightingale Conant as well as other books such as “Creator: A Revelation of Healing Yourself and Others” and “Take My Life”.
Mark’s clients and students describe him as a “true healer by the Grace of God”.
Mark looks forward to seeing old and new friends alike when he travels for work. After speaking engagements and workshops, Mark takes time to discover unusual pieces of hand-made art to add to his collection. Mark also loves to work with clay and go off-trail hiking.
Contact Mark or staff for information at 1.888.380.6388